So, for a while I've been thinking about the different types of superheroes and what exactly qualifies a hero as "super", and I think I've figured out the three basic kinds of superhero that all superheroes are derivative from, think of these as kinda like genuses of the animal kingdom kinda, but for superheroes.
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Saturday, April 29, 2023
The 3 Primary Types Of Superheroes
Friday, April 28, 2023
Atto the Artificial Man: The Birth Of A Hero (comic script)
(Authors note: here's a script I wrote a while ago that I really want to have made into a proper comic at some point, probably a part of an anthology taking place in the Diamoverse of my canon of work, already have a name for this anthology, MULTI-TEAM COMICS, named after the primary superhero team in the Diamoverse, at some point I'll either have the drawing ability to do it myself, have the money to hire artist or do it as a collaborative project with my friends, or maybe even some mix of the 3, anyways, here's the script, hope you enjoy)
Panel1: skinny rectangular panel at the top of the page.
Action: we see Atto running through a wall at a criminal.
Title: Atto the artificial man in, the creation of atto.
Panel2: somewhat large vertical rectangle panel right below the first panel on the left side of the page.
Action: we see a scientist sitting in a dark room with other figures that are masked in shadow.
Scientist: welcome gentleman, as you may or may not be aware I've been researching and developing a fantastic new technology that is set to change the world, but you probably don't know the specifics of my scientific work as I have specifically kept this information out of the papers.
Panel3: somewhat large vertical rectangle panel right below the first panel on the middle of the page.
Action: the scientist stands up and begins to walk to a curtain.
Scientist: you see my dear friends, years ago on an expedition to an ancient Temple in the far east, I found an anomalous and strange stone that exuded a power beyond a person's wildest imagination.
Panel4: somewhat large vertical rectangle panel right below the first panel on the right side of the page.
Action: the scientist is at the curtain and pulls at it slowly revealing the window behind it.
Scientist: I brought the stone back to the States, I began doing studies on it and realized, it was the perfect power source for a project that I had dreamed of since I was a young boy and learned of the made men of myth.
Panel5: large horizontal rectangular panel at the very bottom of the page taking up a good portion of it.
Action: we see the man has fully removed the curtain from the window and behind the window stands a man that is clearly not human with palish blue skin.
Scientist: behold my Adam, Atto the artificial man.
Panel1: large rectangle panel at the top of the page.
Action: we see the man behind the glass as he looks around as the scientist stands in front of the glass.
Scientist: I made him to be more than just an ordinary man as well,
Panel2: small square panel under previous panel on left side
Scientist: just watch.
Action: the scientists press a button.
Panel3: small rectangular panel under previous panel taking up the middle and right of the page.
Action: a hatch opens on the side of the room, out of it rolling a table with a steel bar right in front of Atto.
Scientist: watch what my artificial man can do to a steel bar.
Panel4-6: small square panels going from left to right
Action: we see the artificial man as he picks up the bar and begins to bend it with ease into a pretzel.
Panel7: medium sized rectangular panel at the bottom .
Action: we see from the perspective of the crowd there silhouettes seen as they react emotively to what they see in the spotlight, that of course being the scientist and atto behind the glass.
Crowd: incredible, amazing, astonishing.
Scientist: yes but I intended for him to be that strong, now look at what I didn't intend.
Panel1: small square panel of the scientist's face.
Scientist: Atto I want you to bring me a genuine Arctic penguin.
Panel2-4: two small square panels starting from the middle of the top right of the page going to the right of the page, then In the middle of the page a largish rectangular panel.
Action: Atto appears to disappear and then immediately reappears with a close up on him and his smiling doofy expression with a penguin squawking in his arms.
Crowd: impossible, how'd he do that, the thing can teleport.
Panel5: small square again with the scientist.
Scientist: not teleport my good man, but move at such incredible speeds that appears to rival even the likes of Mercury, now watch this, Atto, bring me the penguin.
Panel6-8 same pattern as before with two small square panels starting from the middle going to the right and ending on a large rectangular panel at the bottom of the page.
Action: atto begins to walk towards the glass as his body begins moving and vibrating into a blur of green and orange and smeared details The birds still in his hands with this final panel showing him from the front super close to the glass seemingly about to break through it.
crowd: oh my Lord, he's coming right toward us, he's a walking explosion.
Panel1-4: 3 normal small square panels and then a final rectangular panel with the penguin.
Action: we see as almost by magic the artificial man walks straight through the glass and wall as if nothing was there at all not even breaking anything, then presenting the squawking penguin to his creator.
Crowd: how, impossible, he's a ghost.
Scientist: no gentleman I assure you he is not a ghost.
Panel5-6: medium sized rectangles.
Action: we see the scientist walking over and grabbing the penguin as he talks.
Scientist: But instead it appears that the ancient power source I had used on my mechanical man has allowed him to move not just his entire body at impossible speeds but move his very atomic structure In such a way that he could walk through walls.
Panel7: medium rectangle on the left side of the page.
Action: we see a close up of the scientist as he holds the penguin under his right arm.
Scientist: possibly even allowing him to physically change his form whether that be in appearance.
Panel8: medium rectangle on the right side of the page.
Action: we now are looking at the audience with one shadey member of the crowd perking up at the mention of the precious metal.
Scientist: such as stretching his limbs or even potentially reconstructing his very atoms into that of lead or gold.
Panel9: a rectangle taking up the rest of the page.
Action: we see from the crowd again as they look at the spotlight but this time they are all giddy and clapping.
Crowd: truly awe inspiring, I still can't believe it and it's standing in front of me, doctor doctor, what do you plan on doing with your man-made man.
Panel10: small square panels in the right corner of the page covering some of the 9th panel.
Action: we see a close up on the scientist's head.
Scientist: well.
Panel1-7: the upper left corner panel is a circle with the scientist's head but the rest are rectangular in a grid pattern, with the majority being vertical and rectangular with the final large panel being horizontal.
Action: panel 1 with scientists's head.
Scientist: with the recent uptick in crime, the looming horseman of war.
Action: panel 2 we see a skeleton in a cape, hat and Domino mask with whited out eyes looking head on at the camera.
Scientist: and the recent rise of the mystery man and super powered vigilante.
Action: panel 3 we see the scientist face again but from a different angle, clearly he's serious.
Scientist: I feel it is my duty to make sure that my mechanical creation.
Action panel 4 and another shot of the scientist this time looking at the reader.
Scientist: nigh my mechanical son be a symbol of heroic values and protect those who cannot protect themselves.
Action: panel 5 we see a side view of a line up of various different shadowed out heroes including a guy who looks like a blue version of the flame, a woman in a spandex suit with a clear blindfold on and the previously mentioned skeleton guy in front.
Scientist: so I have decided to allow Atto to join the ever growing ranks of super americans fighting the good fight and protecting the freedoms of our great countries people.
Action: panel 6 we see over atto's shoulder as the doctor reads to him from a book of American history.
Scientist: and I have taught my mechanical son those great American values and have trained him to use his powers to the best of my ability.
Action: penel 7 we see the scientist again as he stands center in the spotlight, a full view from the front as atto stands to the side, his upper half being unilluminated by the spotlight.
Scientist: and he will begin his fight against corruption and villainy soon, very soon.
Panel1: a medium sized rectangular panel taking up the upper left and upper middle of the page.
Caption: more than a few moments after the conference concludes our good doctor and his mechanical man are met by an unwanted surprise.
Action: we see the old doctor being accompanied by his robot as he is walking but a knock is heard.
Panel2: square taking up the right corner of the page.
Action: we see a close up on the scientist with Atto in the background looking back at the scientist, the scientist on the left side, atto on the right.
Scientist: Atto, I'll go grab the door and see who's there, probably another reporter who missed the conference wanting a private scoop, can you prepare me my tea.
Atto: right away pops.
Panel3-5: two medium sized squares on either side of the page and a big rectangle at the bottom, so big that the third and fourth panel are over the 5th.
Action: We see the scientist crack open the door with a close up on his face in the first two panels with the first panel showing an expression of annoyance and the next one of horror with the final panel showing him being pushed backwards as a group of mobsters barge their way in.
Scientist: I told several of you already there is no private scoop, you're too late.
Mobster: we are never late doc.
Panel1: square in the upper left hand corner.
Action: one mobster pistol whips the doctor to the floor.
Panel2: a rectangle taking up the right and middle of the top of the page.
Action: We see the mobster towering over the frail old scientist.
Mobster: alright Mr science, here's what ya gonna do see, you're gonna give us that mechanical monstrosity and make him turn into gold, or you'll be eating a dinner o lead with the fishes.
Panel3: rectangle panel in the middle of the page.
Action: we see the scientist angry wiping blood from his mouth while in the foreground we see the silhouette of the mobster standing over him.
Scientist: I will not buckle my morals to some poorly dressed racketeers and their miniscule muscles.
Panel4: square panel.
Mobster: why I'll show you.
Action: The mobster shoots his gun at the doctor with a bang.
Panel5: square panel.
Action: a blur of color is seen emerging from seemingly nowhere and appearing in between the doctor and the mobster.
Panel6: square panel.
Action: and to the shock and surprise of the mobster the man he just tried to shoot is not hurt in any way.
Mobster: what the.
Panel7: thin rectangular panel.
Action: the mobsters eyes as they look irritated and atto stands behind and to the side from him holding a bullet inspecting it.
Atto: discharging a weapon at an elderly man for some vain attempt of monetary gain through a sentient miracle of science, clearly you have egos the size of Texas, that or you have brains the size of atoms.
Panel1: rectangular panel.
Action: clearly insulted by what the artificial man is saying, the head mobster turns around pointing his gun at the robot.
Mobster: all right then Mr wise guy, rattle him boys.
Panel2: another rectangle but thicker than the last one.
Action: The two other mobsters point their tommy guns at atto who stands in the middle between both of them and the head mobster and they all begin shooting.
Panel3: large square bottom left.
Action: moving in a blur Atto is able to grab every single bullet out of the air making after projections of his arms as he goes and seemingly makes the bullets disappear.
Panel4: large square bottom right.
Action: the mobsters seeing this are shocked and frightened.
Mobster: alright boys, clearly this isn't our day, let's scram.
Panel1-4: three square panels at the top and a rectangle underneath.
Action: The mobsters try running away but fall and after looking at their feet discover with shock and horror that their shoes are now solid lead blocks around their feet.
Mobster: cripes, how is this possible?
Panel5-7: square panels.
Action: we see atto's head in a caption box on the top of the first panel showing from a different angle atto grabbing the bullets as he's shot at, then the next panel shows him with one bullet walking over to the head mobster, then we see atto mold the bullet like clay onto the mobsters shoed foot.
Atto: while you were shooting at me so recklessly, I grabbed every bullet you guys shot and without you even noticing it, i began forming each bullet you shot at me into shoes of lead around your feet, how? well by using my incredible abilities of speed and power over matter of course.
Panel8: big bottom rectangle with a caption box on the bottom right hand side.
Action: we see atto standing in the typical hero pose, hands on his hips as his scientist father and creator congratulates him.
Scientist: You did good my son, this was truly a remarkable test of your incredible abilities and wit, I'll call the police to take care of these ruffians.
Caption: and triumphantly the day is saved by the artificial man ATTO, but where will our young hero go next, what's his next step as America's newest man of mystery and super powered hero, come back in the next issue of MULTI-TEAM COMICS to find out.
Atto the Artificial Man (character bio)
The world's fastest biomechanical being with the core of speed and time at his center, created by an adventurous scientist by the name of Fox Carmichael to fight crime and bust gangs and was eventually drafted as one of the first members in the Multi-Team during world War II.
Atto is an interesting case, being a robot you'd expect him to be rather humorless, constantly speaking about logic and such, and although that might be what you meet at the beginning you will quickly find out that that's an act to mess with people, with the real Atto being a lot more humorous and clever.
Always found with a smile on his face, Atto was created in the late 1930s by The adventurous doctor Fox Carmichael after a trip to a forgotten, beyond ancient Temple where he discovered a mysterious artifact of impossible power, the Core of Speed and Time.
Using this artifact he constructed a artificial body around it, a body not just of steel and aluminum, but also flesh grown with the doctor's own DNA, with Atto soon being born and shown to the world.
With his first demonstration being to a privately assembled group of fellow scientists and reporters who witnessed Atto's fantastic abilities of immense strength, speed and self molecular control.
Needless to say in the small middle American city he called home he would end up making quite the splash, busting crime and evil around every corner, soon catching the attention of the enigmatic hero The Skeleton, one of the big and first widely known mystery men, who would approach our metal speedster with a proposition, to be a part of a team of fantastic heroes like himself and fight the good fight overseas against the forces of evil.
Atto being the hero he was, was excited and giddy at the idea and already planning to accept the offer, especially since it was coming from such a legend as The Skeleton, and after discovering his new arch enemy, the evil wizard of time and speed, Speedstorr was allied with the Germans, Atto was more then willing to join.
Atto was soon fighting not only alongside his fellow Heroes such as Lady Justice, The Ice Cube the 2nd, John Joe Shootem the 3rd, Captain Electron, Tanko The Man Tank and of course The Skeleton but also the soldiers of the allied forces in some of the wars most important battles, most notably a clash at Normandy where Atto faced off against Speedstorr and his apprentice, Hans Blitzer nicknamed Blonde Streak by Atto, this conflict being were Atto unlocked the true power of the core of speed and time, but that is a story best saved to be told in the comics rather then explained here.
Tuesday, April 25, 2023
Sgt Spook in Haunting Hoodlums
(Note: this script is actively being edited)
Hello all whoever may be reading this, my name is holo and I'm a cartoonist, Writer, storyteller, comic historian and archivist and all around lover of sequential art.
And this is one of my comic scripts based on the golden age hero Sgt spook, a police officer who died do to a chemical explosion he caused and came back as a ghost to fight crime.
I personally am a huge fan of this character and the golden age as a whole and since this character was public domain I decided to try my hand at writing a comic story starring him but for various reasons it didn't exactly work out that way.
another reason I wanted to do this is because I discovered this characters existence through a YouTube video made to literally just make fun of the character, so I wanted to make this story to show the characters potential.
The best way I can describe spook is like if the DC hero Deadman got crossed with a pinch of ghost rider and the irreverent silliness of Deadpool while also having the deductive reasoning of Batman and somehow the innocence of Jimmy Olsen.
So now I'm releasing this, the raw script to the internet, and as far as I'm concerned this script is in the public domain just like the rest of Sgt spooks story canon, all I ask if you do decide to reprint, retell, adapt or otherwise redistribute the story is that you credit me the holozler as the creator of the script and of course shout out to the original creator of Sgt Spook Malcolm Kildale.
I'm told this is creative commons.
Anyways, that's enough of my rambling, your here for the story, so here it is.
Sgt Spook: Haunting Hoodlums
Action: we see Sargent spook happily walking down the street, whistling a tune, walking and phasing through a fire hydrant until he hears a siren from the distance.
Sgt spook: what's that?
Action: quickly, sgt spook runs/floats to the commotion and finds a bank, the police have just arrived surrounding it.
Action: out of the bank comes a group of robbers 4 strong and shooting at the police as they suck out and run down an alleyway fleeing the police as sgt spook watches.
Sgt spook: I better stop those fiends.
Action: sgt spook floats over to the robbers car and grabs their fender.
Sgt spook smile on his face.
Sgt Spook: surely this'll put a stop to there rampage.
Quickly the hit the engine and they drive away, spook looking a tad surprised ripping off the fender instead of stopping them, it looking to passers by as if the fender fell off.
Sgt spook: well, I still can stop them, just have to get a bit more creative.
Action: we see sgt spook find a fire hydrant.
Sgt spook: if I time it just right, I can use this hydrant to wash those crooks out, really rain on their parade.
Action: he waits until there in the perfect position.
Action: and then he starts his plan, opening the hydrant when the crooks are right in his crosshair, only for the gushing water to give the crooks a boost instead of "raining on their parade" leaving spook viably a tad bit frustrated.
Sgt spook: oh shoot, I need to find something else.
Action: over this page we see several attempts of sgt spook trying to stop the bad guys, each attempt fails and only serves to aid the criminals, like him trying to fling some thumb tacks in the street only for them to hit the police cars and cause them to spin out, him trying to create a barricade by knocking over a few things into the street only to create a ramp and so on and so forth of failed attempt after failed attempt.
Action: we see sgt spook, the Sun is going down and he's been following them for a while as the once City landscape is now country nowheres of greens and tans.
Sgt spook: I am getting these guys, and I'm tired of stuff not going my way, I'm getting these crooks, once and for all.
Action: it's now dark as we see the crooks drive in and park at an old shabby farmhouse, it's night time and the crooks exit their car and quietly make their way to the farm house, shiftly looking around as they do so.
Action: they all enter the house and the last one in shuts the door all done as quietly as a church mouse, they all walk over to a table.
Action: they all sit down one by one at the table, they sit there for a moment.
Jerry: well boys.
Action: one of them pulls up and slams a big bag of money on the table, they all begin laughing and bring out booze and go through their spoils.
Jerry: we did it ha haaaa.
Jerry: alright boys, get to counting, once your done will split our earnings.
Bill: aw common Jerry, can't we celebrate a little more before we start countin.
Jarry: no, we gotta get this done and taken care of quickly, we're taken a risk staying here to long.
Dave: aw common, you saw how it was out there, it's like God himself sent an angel to protect us, relax yourself and have a drink.
Action: Dave offers Jerry a bottle of booze.
Action: Jerry looks at the bottle for a moment and ponders until grabbing it.
Jerry: alright, but we can't get carried away, we'll have some drinks and celebrate a little, but by sunrise we're outa here, got it.
Jon: alright boss.
Bill: gentleman.
Action: we see bill holding his bottle up.
Bill: I propose a toast not only cause we didn't get caught, not only to the loot, but also to Jerry, our leader and brave planner, untightening his ass for once haha.
Action: everyone begins giggling except Jerry.
Bill: but in all seriousness.
Action: we see bill hold his bottle high into the air over the table.
Bill: here's to us and our new found moolah, here here.
Action: every one clinks their bottles together over the table while here herring.
Action: the lights go out as soon as the bottles meet.
Jerry: oh #$&@ it must be the coppers, we gotta-
Bill: Jerry calm down, it's probably just the fuse box is on the fritz, this place was abandoned for a while before we came along, now Jon.
Jon: yeah boss.
Bill: can ya go and check the box and fix the lights.
Jon: sure thing boss.
Action: the giant of a man lumber's out of the house.
Bill: alright, wall he's fixing the problem we can do a little bit of celebrating, bottoms up boys.
Dave: wait.
Dave: gentleman, you mind if we say grace before we-.
Action: the lights flicker back on.
Bill: well would you look at that, Jon got it fixed faster then I expe-.
Action: before bill can finish two blood curdling screams are heard causing the three men to start reacting their own ways, Jerry seems very freaked out, Dave is worriedly looking towards where the sound is coming from and bill is freaked out but keeping a stern face.
Dave: oh my Lord, did y'all hear that.
Jerry: sounded like Jon, do ya think.
Bill: you guys really think Jon is in trouble, he's probably just messing with us.
Action: the two stare at bill for a moment.
Bill: what, you don't believe me.
Action: they stare for a moment more.
Jerry: no we do not.
Bill: alright then, grab your guns and come with me, and will see that I'm right.
Action: they walk outside, and something is watching them from atop a windmill, Jerry sees the thing and quickly turns to his friends as they walk, but as soon as he looks back the thing is gone. (this is shown by a group of four landscape panels the first is of the guys walking and the thing on the windmill in the pale moonlight, the second is Jerry noticing it, the third is Jerry turning back to his friends reaching out to them as his head covers the thing, and the final one is Jerry turning back after his head passed the windmill and the thing is gone).
Action: they continue walking to the back of the farm, Jon holds a lantern and his pistols, while the other 2 only have their pistol, they turn the corner, they all seem to be shocked at what they see.
Action: the power box is busted up, seeming to be absolutely savaged by a blunt object, there are definite signs of a struggle besides that with some of the overgrown shrubbery around the area being broken, Jon's pistol and family heirloom that went through three wars lay broken to pieces on the ground.
Jerry: do ya still think this a joke bill.
Bill: well, at least I'm not afraid of my own shadow.
Action: we see bill and Jerry start their argument in the background as in the foreground we see Dave notice something, Wall they argue we see Dave find a blood splatter that leads him to markings that implies someone was dragged, then he looks where these markings go and sees the field behind the farmhouse with a scarecrow in the center of it.
Jerry: the hells that supposed to mean.
Bill: you heard me you big sissy, your a coward and you've always been yellow between the ears.
Jerry: I think you're forgetting who the boss is around here boy, I planned the Robbery and.
Bill: and you hid behind us as we did all the heavy lifting, you may be smart but you have the backbone of a chicken.
Action: Dave begins looking closely at the scarecrow and as he looks squinting to do so more and more of the scarecrow becomes more and more visible with the camera perspective of the panel zooming in, while the face is still masked by shadow and darkness, then a cloud passes by the moon and the lunar light is shined on the scarecrow, and Dave is horrified.
Bill: and even then I think I'm giving you to much credit.
Jerry: now you just listen here you mindless brutish wild gunman, I ain't cowardly, I'm cautious, and think more then just one step ahead, if you didn't have me I bet you would have all just ran into that bank shot everyone took the money without even setting up a home base and-.
Bill: and look how good having a home base is turning out.
Dave: Jesus almighty!
Bill: what the hell i- oh god.
Action: now completely visible the scarecrow is clearly Jon crucified, his face bloody and vacant, the men stare in shock and horror, a sorrowful breath leaving his lips, seemingly his last.
Action: all of them quickly run back into the house and Jerry and Bill begin barricading the door.
Jerry: what the hell man what the hell.
Bill: I don't know, I don't know.
Dave: did y'all see it.
Action: while the two men are barricading the door, the two turn to face Dave as he stands looking away from them into the house.
Bill: yes I saw it, Jon was beaten to death and hanging on a cross.
Dave: no, no not that, the thing next to it.
Jerry: what do you mean next to it.
Jerry: Dave, are you ok.
Dave: I saw something next to Jon out der, it looked like a, like a copper, but, but all wrong.
Action: while Dave speaks Jerry and Bill are looking concerned as they look at each other.
Dave:... I don't think god aided our escape today gentleman.
Dave: I believe it was the devil, and he has come for our sinful souls.
Bill: Dave are you ok.
Action: Dave turns to bill and Jerry shocking them, Dave's face contorted in horror and humor.
Dave: and he's come after me second.
Action: Dave lunges at his comrades laughing and crying manically, bill and Jerry doge out of the way, Dave crashes into the barricade Jerry and Dave made.
Action: Dave is staggered.
Bill (hushed tone): we gotta hide, upstairs quick.
Action: Jerry nods, panic in his face, and they quickly go up stairs as Dave slowly gets up from the floor.
Action: Dave gets up and looks around, his arm broken, grotesquely snapping back into place.
Dave: it is no matter, the devil will get you soon he'll get all of us soon, all of us sinful.
Action: Dave's head shakes violently for a moment, and his voice seems to change.
Dave?: villainous crooks and Your Ill gotten gains shall be taken to justice.
Action: Dave continues his manic laughter and crying.
Action: we now see Bill and Jerry upstairs hiding freaked out soon the laughter and crying gets accompanied by crashing and bashing.
Action: the commotion stops, Jerry looks out the window and sees Dave, (the next moments we see from Jerry's perspective), Dave's hands are glistening red in the moonlight covered in his own blood, as he walks out of the house and towards the edge of the field.
Dave: I am ready dark lord, I have accepted my sin and I want my punishment, take me, so my soul may be punished.
Action: Dave opens his arms like he's about to hug someone in the sky and after he's done talking he slowly begins to rise into the air.
Action: and then dave quickly gets yanked above the field, he begins screaming in terror as he's pulled back and forth in the air until quickly being dragged straight to the ground with a mighty thud, we see Jerry in the window, absolutely terrified.
Action: Jerry looks back at bill.
Jerry: bill, did ya see that.
Action: bill silently nods.
Bill: ye-yeah I did, what the hell is going on.
Jerry: I don't know, I think only god knows.
Action: there's silence for a moment.
Jerry: well, I don't think we should stay here.
Bill: are you crazy, you saw what happened to Dave didn't ya.
Jerry: yeah, that's all the more reason for us to bolt.
Bill: wha.
Jerry: think about it, whatever that thing is, it'll come in for us eventually, and when it dose where cornered, best thing to do is book it to the car and drive as fast as we can.
Action: Bill thinks for a moment.
Bill: alright, let's get out of here, but you lead the way since it's your plan.
Action: Jerry nods.
Action: they walk back down the stairs from their hiding place.
Action: we see Jerry and Bill slowly making their way through the dark decrepit farmhouse to it's back exit, the only light coming from the Moon outside shining in through windows and the doorway, it's blue glow barely noticeable and illuminating something That is following them.
Action: the backdoor is seen, Jerry silently jestjers to bill as they begin approaching the exit.
Jerry: it looks like we may be home free billy.
Action: bill does not respond and he's not seen behind Jerry as Jerry's at the precipice of the exit.
Action: Jerry quickly speed walks out the back door, he then turns back a smile on his face.
Jerry: looks like where almost ho-.
Action: Jerry's Joy quickly evaporates into utter fear as he looks back at something.
Action: we see over the shoulder of Jerry into the house through the backdoor, inside the dark dim hallway the legs of Bill are seen, he's being pushed up against the wall and light choking sounds can be heard until his legs disappear into the darkness.
Action: silence for a moment until a blood curdling scream is heard, Jerry petrified and fear as he looks at the back door, he sees a foot step out from the darkness into the pale moonlight of the night.
Jerry: wha, wha, what are you.
Action: the thing completely steps out into the light yet we only see bits and pieces of its chard cadaverous form alongside various shots of Jerry's reaction to it's horrible visage.
Creature: I am here, to take you away.
Action: Jerry looks pale as he begins slowly stepping backwards tripping in the process which in a moment causes the creature to lunge in a blur of advanced motion.
Action: we see a full double page spread as the creature is seen in its entirety, it appears to have been a cop at one point but the entire front part of its body is charred and blackened, guts hang out of its stomach as the skin and clothing that once covered it has now been burned away, his face is nothing but a skull, an angry skull with putrid ripped and torn skin around it, it's completely lit by the blue moonlight with a light transparency to its form and towers over Jerry as it lunges towards his terrified miniscule crawling cowering form.
Action: black panel.
Caption: the next day.
Action: we see officers outside a police station looking at something, Them all baffled and confused.
Cop 1: these are them all right from yesterday.
Cop 2: what happened to them, they seem different, like they've seen something that made em paler then ghosts.
Cop 3: that don't matter.
Action: now we're looking at the criminals who robbed the bank all tied up together sitting on the concrete of the sidewalk in front of the police station, all of them seem too terrified to speak but in very different ways ranging from Jerry's twitchy terror, bills 1000 yard stare, Jon's brain dead teeth clenched fear and Dave closed eyes head down in some sort of prayer.
Cop 3: what's important now is that we have them in custody and we have the goods they stole to return to the bank.
Action: we zoom out to see Sergeant spook looking at the situation from the top of a building across the street dusting his hands.
Cop 3: besides judging from the looks of it, I'd say we rather not know what got them.
Sgt spook: well that's a job well done, I wonder if They've learned their lesson, now off to continue my eternal patrol for justice, but I wonder, why were they screaming so much.
Hope you enjoyed my story.
Sunday, April 23, 2023
Today is my birthday
Today's my birthday,
I'm now 22 And honestly I don't know what to say other than that
Life's been interested and it'll probably keep on being interesting as I continue to pursue my actions and work on my various projects
The Handy Man from Timbuktu (character profile) (in need of rewrite and editing)
To My Zone
Hi, my name is holozler and this is my personal blog site thingy. Here I'll probably be posting a mixture of random thoughts, character...
So, for a while I've been thinking about the different types of superheroes and what exactly qualifies a hero as "super", and...
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Art by William H.D. Koerner Character originally created by William H.D. Koerner Inhabitant of the Goldaverse, Zeb Zuse was a circus bear...